The work of LI Yuchen revolves around migration stories and diasporic experiences, of both humans and our food. She investigates the historical-cultural-political contexts which gear the movements, by listening to the personal narratives, thus questions the notion of identity beyond nation-state construct and expands the sense of rootedness and belonging while reconnecting to ancestral memories.
In her work, the stories of food are intertwined with the stories of people, for food holds a strong connection to cultural identities, traditions, ancestral memories, and plays a key role in ecological, economic, political transitions throughout history. Through her visual and oral storytelling in forms of installations, videos and performances, LI aims to understand the dynamics when we encounter “the other '', and to explore different ways of relating to the world in order to re-indigenize ourselves. Her work is not intended as a statement but rather to raise questions into collective conversations.
LI is a member of Weaving Realities collective since 2019, who organizes performances and workshops by thinking-feeling with living Earth. She is also the co-founder of Asian Movie Night since 2017, a roaming film project to introduce diverse Asian cultures with film and after-movie discussions.
LI has collaborated with various art and academic institutions in the Netherlands and abroad, such as Rijksakademie, CBK Zuidoost, Nieuw Dakota, Goleb, NieuwLand in Amsterdam, Casco institute for Art, Utrecht University in Utrecht, International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, OtherWise from Wageningen University, The Decolonial Summer School organised by University College Roosevelt in Middelburg, Bonn University, Kassel University in Germany, Editorial Collectivo Retos in Mexico and UniTierra Manizales in Colombia.